Sometimes you capture pictures that stand out but don't really fit in anywhere else. Hence is the case with these miscellaneous pictures! I love these pictures but didn't want to lose them in the other photos of other pages so I created this page just for them! 

These little critters are super cute and annoying at the same time. As you can see, they enjoy the same food as the birds do and it is a competition to see how much they can "steal" when I am not looking. When they get caught though, they have the funniest look on their faces. 

The pictures below are random garden flowers, the sky, and the marsh of Scarborough (a nearby town). I also have pictures of my garden statues and other garden hardscapes that give an extra touch to their surroundings.

I love taking sky and night (full moon) pictures! When I was a girl, I would lie on the ground and stare at the clouds and pretend they were different shapes and characters. They always fascinated me and they still do! Although, I now sit on my steps instead of lying on the ground to admire the puffy white cotton balls that float by. If there is a reincarnation, I want to come back as a cloud! I want to be able to turn into a fluffy white cloud or a dark rain cloud and float all over the world. I want to be able to turn into different shapes and sizes and give joy to other cloud-loving people!

The marsh is not just a place to take pictures. When the tide is in, it is a great place to kayak and canoe. Some people fish there too. Near the marsh is the Eastern Trail, a walking trail that spans miles around the area. It's a great way to take a stroll, ride your bike, take pictures, and more. If you are looking for outside enjoyment, the trail is a big one! There are also a number of areas where you can start on the trail (not just at the Marsh).